The Church of Prophecy Marker Association serves a purpose for the Church similar to what Communion does for you as a Christian. As the Communion service is observed in remembrance of Christ, the CPMA keeps us reminded of Christ’s Church – its nature, function, purpose, doctrine, organization, and distinguishing marks.
The purpose of the auxiliary attests to the necessity of it operating strongly in every local church and community. Not only does the CPMA build, beautify, and maintain markers that represent the Body of Christ, it also keeps the vision of the Church clear in our minds. The CPMA also encourages every child of God to be living markers, or testaments, of Jesus Christ and promotes perfection among the believers. Finally, this ministry teaches the history, purpose, and doctrine of the Body of Christ – past, present, and future.

Because of the Truth
Our church flag is one of the most visible markers we have in The Church of God. It is displayed around the world to represent the truth. Unfortunately, due to economic conditions in some areas, the membership is unable to purchase a flag for their own congregation.
Through the Banner of Love Project, generous donations from our members help to provide an indoor church flag to any church that cannot otherwise afford one.

Our Markers

Mount Hittin, Israel
Located in the Holy Land near the sea of Galilee, it commemorates the place where Jesus ordained the Apostles and organized His Church.

Cleveland, TN
Originally built in 1993, this building serves as the central office of all of the ministries of The Church of God. Additional construction was completed in 2009.

Jerusalem, Israel
Situated in the Garden Tomb, this marker points to the place of the Crucifixion and reminds people of the sacrifice Jesus made for our salvation.

Cleveland, TN
General Headquarters contains the offices from which the Church is directed throughout the world as the early church was directed from Jerusalem.

Jerusalem, Israel
Placed in the Garden Tomb, it marks the place where Jesus resurrected from the dead and completed the victory over sin and death.

The Banner of Truth flies signifies the standard, or doctrine, of the Word of God. It’s colors and symbols represent Jesus Christ.

Cleveland, TN
The Southside church was the place where the Holy Ghost called for the Solemn Assembly through a message and interpretation on April 25, 1993.
Become a CPMA Member
For only $10.00 per year, you can become a member of the Church of Prophecy Marker Association. All funds received go toward the General Property Fund of The Church of God.